Stewardship Part I
Q: What does stewardship mean to you?
There are two words that send the average congregation and common churchgoer into fear and panic, from the leadership and pastorate, that fears to offend or drive people away, to the church member who may be too far stretched in time and giving, and cannot give anymore, to the person who does not want to be convicted, lest he be forced to reach for the sacred will of his wallet or the exercise of His call. Yet, these two words are simple, and needed, because the church and the body of Christ could not function without them being proclaimed and exercised: These simple words are...
Here is a tool to help the People in your church find out what there Spiritual Gifts are. This is an "inventory" format; it is not as accurate as our other assessment, but this makes a good tool to start out with.
How to Mobilize the People in your church according to their Spiritual Gifts.
This section is primarily for the Church leadership and the Mentor Groups.
Remember this important fact; the Prime Directive for Spiritual Gifts is for service to God's family! As you grow in the understanding and use of your Spiritual Gifts, you will realize that you are in a relationship of dependence upon Christ.
Intoduction: A Biblical Approach to Understanding and Applying that with which God has Called and Gifted You!
This workshop can be used as small group lessons or a church wide training event.
Objective: To have a practical, continuing plan for recruiting volunteers in your ministry.
Ideas to consider and apply to your ministry...
A Primer Designed For Use In Leadership Training.
This Primer will direct you through the basics of how to prepare your church for growth, and to be your best for His glory. You may use this personally, to train your leaders, or use with your people to reveal Biblical precepts and ideas on how to run your church effectively.
Basic Guide and Checklist to Start and Develop a Program.
After following the process of determining needs and developing a purpose, programs need to be implemented to meet those needs.
Your main goal is to love and serve the Lord with all of your heart, mind and strength…Mark 12:30, and to influence others to do so. At the same time, you need to be effective stewards of resources, including the gifts and abilities as well as the finances and facilities of the church.
What is your church up to this Christmas season?
Our call is to live for Christ, and we do this when we live in Christ, reaching for others through Christ,. But first, we have to take a serious, self-introspective examination to see how well we display Christ.
Are you headed for Burnout?
Pastoral ministry and church leadership is a tiring task. It is filled with all kinds of responsibility and unexpected crises. It produces far more stress than perhaps any other period of Church history.