Welcome to Pastortraining.org
A ministry from Into Thy Word
Today more and more of us pastors are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. We feel the pains and pressures of ministry and the stress of our personal life as well as the anguish of others in our care all converging upon us. Many of us are also realizing that we have been inadequately trained for the call and post Christ has given us.
For this reason, in 1988, we started to help encourage and equip pastors and give you the insights and helps we learned from Francis Schaeffer and over thirty years of research and practice.
Prayer, hospitality, and solid Bible teaching are the three legs that hold up the church and give it a strong starting point, room for the Spirit to work, and for the Word to be proclaimed. This enables real effectual church growth; the people will feel at home and be fed and then the community will be reached! This is Christ's call for His Church!
We specialize in developing in-depth, inductive-based Bible resources that are carefully researched.
What we offer you, is what you need! Our effective Teaching resources for both the lay and ordained, for Pastors, Church Leaders, Small Group and Bible Study Leaders.
www.discipleshiptools.org Here you will find over one thousand of the very best insightful, researched, Biblical and practical topics, curriculums, study guides and tools for you and your people to use to teach solid Biblical precepts and encouragements for effective Discipleship and spiritual formation.
www.intothyword.org Resources for how to know and study the Bible and many other key 'total church' topics, comprehensive and in-depth Bible studies that are carefully and thoroughly prepared and carefully drawn from the text that you or your leaders can use effectively.
www.churchleadership.org Research and high level articles and insights on and key 'total church' topics on how to lead and manage the Church effectively and effectually for God's Glory.
http://thisismarriage.org: Resources to build up the pastor's marriage as well as biblical thoughts, research and insights for leading the marriages in your church to grow in maturity and faith for God's Glory!
One of the primary purposes and call of Into Thy Word Ministries is to research, develop, and provide Pastoral Training Curriculum! We have been training pastors and missionaries overseas since 1988 and we would like to provide you what you need too.
This may sound strange, but this article was originally a funeral sermon. This is about the legacy we leave when we pass on, into heaven and God's wonders, rest, and rewards-how we live and then hand down hope by the way we lived and how we touched others. However, as I have done this sermon over the years, I could not help noticing and even be convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is also about building a successful church... Oh, now you also have another good funeral sermon!
Do you desire to fire your pastor? Perhaps you should fire him up instead!
Praying for your church is like filling a balloon with helium; the more it is filled, the more it will soar and not be sore! For us to grow-not just numerically, but in what is much more important, spiritually and in community with one another, requires our discipline and passion to pursue Christ more and ourselves less. We have to grow in Christ in a cherished, intimate, growing relationship with Him as LORD over all and LORD over us. We are called to become purpose-driven with His purpose at our helm of leadership and lives so that our trust and intimacy is rooted in Him and not in our...
Articles to help Build our Pastoral Heart and Personal lives for God's Glory
In order to build a healthy church, we as the pastor must be healthy in Christ first!
God calls us as pastors and church leaders to be a people who shepherd. Being a Shepherd also means being God's commissioned leader; our Guide is Jesus the Holy One who gently leads us and guides His leaders to care for His flock, the Church. Consider that Jesus comes to us as the Good Shepherd, also a name for Jesus, to rescue His lost sheep. We have all gone astray and have given in to sin; He brings us back to His fold...
Why we are called to be A Shepherd? Do you know where you are going? Do you have not just the vision, but the true Truth of His call and Way? We have to know where the well is before leading others to it! Christ and His precepts are the well, and we follow the path by example, nurture and service with faith, fruit, character and maturity so others can partake of His wonders. We have to know, and to do this, we have to grow. If we are not growing in the faith, we are useless and unable to lead or equip others. We will lord over by pride, teach falsely or sloppily and lead others astray; we will dishonor our Lord.
If you are a pastor you must ask yourself this question, am I running on fumes, is my tank empty? I found several diseases among pastors and Christian workers that I have worked with and observed over the years; and each disease I have personally felt when I have gone unchecked.
Pastor's Prayer Primer
Pray More! Do you feel vital for ministry? If not, what is in the way, or what are you not doing?
A Pastoral Checkup List
How is your ministry going? Really? Have you ever thought and prayed about taking a self-assessment to see how you are doing so you can honestly find out if your daily activities, relationships, and teaching are lined up to Christ or to something else?
"Preparing for our Pastoral Lives with the Right Mindset, Part I."How is your Ministry going? We are going to explore the key ingredients that make a good, healthy Pastor. Thus, these articles are written to pastors, whose call is to shepherd their flock. However, these curriculums can also be used to hone anyone in Christian service and leadership. It is my prayer that we can carry out our pastoral and leadership lives with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry, and that pleases and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
How to be a Good Pastor!
"Preparing for our Pastoral Lives with the Right Mindset, Part II." The key to building and leading a healthy church is to be a good and healthy pastor (and leader)! Yet, so few of us in ministry take this seriously or make this a priority! We tend to chase trends and our personal agendas and not pursue HIM!
Time Management for Pastors
Managing the Pastor's to maximize results. Pastors need a system to keep him on track so to manage the church effectively. To do this effectively, we need to have a schedule! Why? Just to see all that is on our plate in ministry as well as personal life and how to juggle it, control it, and do the best for His glory!
The Preaching Power of Words
Are you willing to improve your preaching? What about your words? When we preach, and whether we use a pulpit or not, we are the "vicars" of Christ on earth-His ambassadors and representatives. In addition, we have been given the stewardship of a special call to proclaim His precepts in truth. In so doing, we are to preach in His power, in clarity, and in genuineness with passion and conviction. And, to top it off, we need to make sure our words are edifying and never condescending or evil. Because, when we preach, we are leading others to Christ.
Managing our Personal Pastoral Lives
How well do you manage your personal life? Is it with godly terms? When I was with a church growth-consulting firm, we did a major study of pastors, and came up with some startling statistics...
Setting Boundaries as Pastors? 
Do you think you need to set boundaries as a pastor?
Avoiding Burnout as Pastors
Burnout for pastors is perhaps one of the main reasons why we quit and leave the ministry. But we can prevent this!
How to be a good preacher, as in good sermonizing, is taking the precepts of Scripture and proclaiming them to your people in Love and in Truth!
It is essential that Pastors develop their Spiritual Formation as propriety number one!
Would you, or do you know someone who would like to translate our materials? Please let us know! Soon many of our materials will be available in Chinese, Spanish and other languages too. Currently, our greatest need is Korean, Russian and African Languages!
ITW 'html' Pastoral Resources 
Our Purpose is to Equip and Encourage you, and to bring you our 1,000 plus resources for your devotions, personal growth, and teaching! Basically, we set up this page as simply as we could with ministry categories below and downloadable Word files of our pastor resources on the right hand side. We distribute and use these materials to train and equip pastors all over the world.
Bible Study Methods - A step by step process for you to gain more insights, understanding, and application from God's most precious Word, and then teach it to others! If you have never been to a Bible college or have a Ph.D., you will find our materials insightful and refreshing! We can even show you how to put together your own sermons and Bible studies from scratch and then lead them!
Bible Studies - We can provide you with insightful and challenging Bible studies for your personal growth, which you too can use to hold Bible studies as well as for preparing sermons! And we have several complete Bible study series that are "turn key" - easy to understand and use!
Discipleship - We can provide you with solid studies on how to deepen your faith, live the Christian life, how to go through tough times, and lead others as a child of God!
Prayer - We can show you how to pray more effectively, the various ways and types and models and ideas of prayer and how to lead prayer!
Doctrine - We can show you what the Bible has to say to the new Christian as well as the seasoned pastor!
Church Leadership - We can show you comprehensively how to lead and manage your church effectively to glorify our Lord. From how to develop a vision to how to develop and run programs, all you need to know! We can provide you with real Biblical church growth tools that consultants charge thousands of dollars for, all for you to use for free!
God's Will - We can help you to understand how God works and desires to use you, and you can lead others in the most sought after Christian quest, what is God's will for me!
Youth Ministry - We can provide you with many tools and insights on how to have a good youth outreach and discipleship program!
Devotions - We have devotions from the most solid in-depth Christian writers of all time for you to experience daily along with challenging, insightful articles from us and many other good Christian organizations!
Links - We have over 1000 links to various Christian and non-Christian websites in many categories for your research and study!
Bible Study Aids - And we can provide you with online Bible study and sermon helps, as we have dozens of online commentaries, Bibles, books, and Christian Bible research tools for you to use for free!
Bookstore - We can offer you solid biblical resources at a great discount. You can even do all of your shopping-from books to travel-you will be helping the ministry efforts of training pastors and providing free discipleship resources to Christians all over the world!
Bible Study Forums - Would you like to discuss a Bible study in the book of Romans or any other topic? Then check out our forums!
It is our goal that you and your congregation be equipped to be Discipled and encouraged to grow and develop spiritually. Then help teach others these principles. We specialize in designing these resources to be used by pastors so they can in turn teach others these principles of discipleship.
Word format Bible Reading Plans
Into Thy Word Ministries is a small Missions organization with a call upon our hearts to bring discipleship materials to pastors and everyone who needs them here and overseas for free. And we need your help!
We can be better servants for our Lord!
It is our call and passion to provide you with the most effective and effectual resources to help you grow deeper in your personal walk with Christ! It is our firm belief that we can be better servants for our Lord when we are growing in our Lord! Thus, we come along side with you to provide the discipleship tools, leadership development, and the resources that you need to help build your congregation and grow further in the faith. We have been engaged in this call to outfit pastors and churches all over the world since 1988.
First, if you are a pastor overseas (outside of the United States and Canada) or a Christian mission organization, you may go ahead and jump in and use all you want. It is well organized, just go to the channels on the left hand side or above and click to take you to the categories that we listed. If there is something you need that we do not have, let us know and we will do our best to find it and get it to you! You may print out any information we have posted, reproduce it, make the needed cultural changes and translate it. All we ask of you is to keep us in prayer, keep the name and copyright information of our ministry on the resources, and tell other pastors and organizations what we have to offer. If you do translate any of our material, please let us know and give us a copy so we can make them available to others in your language and culture!
Second, if you are in a church in the US, Canada or Europe, you too may use all you want. Please obey the copyrights and keep the name and copyright information of our ministry on the resources. These materials are not to be sold, distributed, or published without our permission, although you may use them for your personal use or in the church for sermons, Bible studies, Sunday Schools and such. We ask that you consider a donation. These materials have cost us a tremendous amount of manpower and resources and we go ahead and offer them to you upfront for free, while other Christian organizations only "sell" theirs.
It is our goal that you and your congregation are equipped to be Discipled and Encouraged to grow and develop spiritually. Then help teach others these principles. We specialize in designing these resources to be used by pastors so they can in turn teach others these principles of discipleship.
If you want to help support pastoral training overseas, then please let us know! Remember us in prayer!
For more information please see our About Channel and our Site Map!