Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


The Epistle of Romans

Paul was a chief persecutor of Christians, and then was converted directly by the risen Christ and was gripped by the Gospel. Thus, Paul's whole life was surrendered and controlled by the gospel. He had been "saved" by the work of Christ and then had peace with God, and the result was a life lived with the utmost gratitude for what Jesus did. The purpose of this Romans Bible study is to show that our focus is to please Christ and not ourselves, so the gospel can grip us fuller and richer! It is meant to be in depth, inductive and a verse by verse exegetical look into God's most precious Word. This Bible Study series can be used for your devotions, Bible study, Bible teaching, Sunday School and even sermon material. It is designed for late High School, Collage through mature adulthood, for Christians desiring to be taught and discipled in His Word.

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." Romans 1:16-17

Romans is more of a treatise than a letter, as it is Paul's greatest work. Not only is this our theology defined, but it is one of the greatest, if not the greatest piece of literature ever conceived! Unpacking Romans is like removing the cover of an old box spring mattress that all the springs will jump up at you!
Greeting: Who is the Lord?
Introduction of Paul's Ministry
Main Theme of Romans!
Gentiles are without excuse!
All have sinned!
Jews are condemned as well!
We are all alike under sin
The Propitiationary Sacrifice
Refuse to consider boasting!
Justifying Faith
Induction into His Grace
Our heredity of sin!
A License for Sin?
We are freed from our slavery to sin
What does the Law have to do with us?
Our Conflict with the Flesh
The New Life
The Hope we have!
The Crescendo of Assurance
Apostate Judaism
Is God unfair?
Why Israel Stumbled
Beautiful Feet
God Perseveres us
The Olive Tree
Renewal of the Mind
Exercising your Gifts
Loving your Enemies
Submitting to Authorities
Fulfilling the Law through Love
Putting on Christ
Themes of Hypocrisy
Accountability verses Ambition
We have a Debt to the Weak
Paul's Missionary Plans
Commendations and Greetings
Concluding Remarks
Doxological Epilogue
What is sin and what does it do?
How to Determine your Spiritual Gift(s)!
What is Thanksgiving?
The Gospel is good news! It is the promise of fulfillment from the Old Testament and centered upon what Christ did on our behalf. That all of humanity is guilty before God and in danger of His judgment. Christ came to earth as a man (Jew), lived a perfect life on our behalf and died in God's wrath and punishment, which He did not deserve, on our behalf (which we do deserve). Then He arose again to purchase our salvation, "the power of God to salvation" (vs 16). He made us righteous before God, thus we need not fear God's judgment when we have faith in our Lord.

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