Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Gossip Part I: Telltale Tongue!

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Gossip is the Ultimate Destroyer! Gossip tantalizes our fallen and sinful nature. We love to listen to it...

Gossip is the Ultimate Destroyer!


Most Christian young people have not to let Christ transform them beyond the first stage of salvation (That is identifying our faith as what we know and grow up with and not being personal and trusting it with all of our being.); especially in their way of thinking and mindset.  This places a limit on how and what Christ is able to accomplish in our lives.  The result of this behavior is that gossip becomes a normal practice.  So most Christians listening to or spreading the news are not aware that it is wrong, because their experience, friends, and minds tells them it's OK.  It's OK because others are doing, it's OK because I get away with it, and it's OK because I never heard a correction from reliable sources.  


We human beings love to hunger for the news, yet neither local newspapers, nor do our church newsletters really cover this riveting beat of human conflicts, joys, sorrows, and flaws. Just try doing a internet search on gossip and see what you get, or check out all the gossip newspapers at the supermarket, or all the shows on cable and day time TV.


A good reporter checks facts and verifies the choice of words, gossip has no dedication or commitment to truth or good taste. It thrives on the juicy tidbits of rumors, false reports, tattle tales, and special privileged information, especially in the personal nature.          


Gossip tantalizes our fallen and sinful nature. We love to listen to it: 


"The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man's inmost parts." (Proverbs 18:8, NIV).  


You may not think so but, true or false, gossip affects us deeply. 


Can gossip be avoided? Hardly at all, it is inevitable. The gossip network in your church, or school, or work, or even home, often provides a convenient way to understand what is happening around us. We discuss with each other the newest scuttlebutt, trying to piece together some kind of truth from the rumors and events of the day.


 Yet this gossip network works like a computer network, all tied in and sharing an invading destructive virus. Because gossip is rarely truthful, or is ever beneficial. And it becomes progressively distorted as it passes from one tongue to another. We all played the "Telephone Game" where a message is whispered at the front of the line bears little similarity to the version at the end of the line. Further, gossip always one-sided. It tries a case on the basis of the prosecution's evidence alone, and never listens to the defense.


Then, gossip gets out of control. Like a driving your car recklessly and losing control on a small piece of ice, there is no way to put the car back together before you get home, so your parents won't find out. The damage cannot be undone.  


Proverbs tells us that "A scoffer who is rebuked will only hate you; the wise, when rebuked, will love you." (Proverbs 9:8)  


What this verse is in effect saying is when the person hears correct teaching and does not like it or does not like the person who gave it to them, then they will throw it out as worthless.  Because you don't have to listen to someone you do not like.  And this is a big part of the problem of false teachings. 


Make no mistake, gossip will destroy with a greater impact and power, than possibly any other event a youth group or church could ever face! 


A few years ago those of us in Southern California were being ravaged by forest fires. It looked as if the entire San Gabriel mountain range was ablaze. I remember it well as it's burned into my memory! I also remember how one of those huge fires started, a homeless man was trying to warm himself with matches, and it got away from him. All the streets were blocked for miles, and I had no way to get home, as I watched in wonder at the roadblock to my house. You see the tongue of ours is such a fire starter. All that it takes to burn a forest down is a spark; all it takes to destroy a youth group or church is our mouths running amuck. Satan himself can not do a better job, than our own misdirected words! 


The Telltale Tongue Discussion! 


Check out what the Bible says about gossip!


Read each verse, then draw a picture that illustrates the type of "Tongue", as you discuss this in your group, use paper or a story or illustration, be creative and challenge yourself. 


·        Psalm 5:9

·        Psalm 12:3

·        Psalm 52:2

·        Psalm 109:2

·        Psalm 120:2

·        Proverbs 17:4

·        Proverbs 25:23

·        Jeremiah 9:8

·        James 3:6 


1.      What have you experienced in terms of gossip, have there been rumors about you, or have you spread rumors about others?


2.      Why does the Bible use so many passages to deal with our "Tongue"?


3.      How can you control your tongue?


4.     Read Psalm 141:3, Proverbs 10:19 and James 1:26        


      §         How do these passages help?


5.      What does God want us to do with our tongue?


6.      So what are you going to do about God's call? 


7.      Have you let Christ transform you so that your faith is yours and personal, and not just because this is all you know, you may go to a Christian school, are involved in church and have believing parents, but what about you? 



© Copyright 1992, 2000, Rev. Richard Joseph Krejcir, Into Thy Word Ministries 

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