Youth Accountability Questions
By ITW Staff
Here is the 7 accountability Questions that our YM's group does.
Here is the 7 accountability Questions that our YM's group does.
1. Did you accomplish your spiritual goals for this month? did you pray for others? Did you have a daily quiet time with God?
2. What did you do to enhance your relationship with your spouse?
3. In What ways has God blessed you this month? and/ or what disappointment consumed your thoughts this month?
4. Did you look at someone lustfully this month?
5. Have you shared your faith? in what ways? How can you improve? Have you had an opportunity with a non-Christian?
6. Where are you financially right now? Are things under control? are things under anxiety? Is there any great debt?
7. What do you see as the number one need for the month? What do you see as the other persons' in the group their number one need?
-Taken from an informal poll received on a youth pastors Email
Suggestions for Sermon and Public Speaking for Youth Audiences...
If you are not a believer in the Christian faith, we invite you to discuss with us your beliefs and reasons for not accepting the Christian world view. We believe that historical Christianity is a reasonable faith. The Christian should be able to give an answer for why he believes as he does.
For centuries, contemporary Christian music has been the subject of controversy. It's referred to as anything from mind control to the Devil's own music. From traditional chants, psalms, and hymns to the Christian rock, metal, and rap styles of today, forefront Christian music has and always will bring on some form of discord. Yet today, modern Christian music styles have proven popularity and positive effectiveness.