The C.H.R.I.S.T. Challenge!
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Allow Christ to Challenge you to live for the faith!
What would your life be like if you took this challenge seriously?
Allow Christ to Challenge you to live for the faith!
Commit-myself to a relationship with CHRIST with trust and obedience; through prayer, His word, my actions, and relationships! Matthew 22:36-38
Honor-Christ with all my life with morals and values; through, thoughts, words, and deeds! 1 Timothy 4:12
Respect-my parents and authorities, with love and honor! Ephesians 6:1-3, Romans 3:1
Involve-myself with other Christians with love and encouragement! Hebrews 10:24-25
Seek-God through prayer...relating to Him with all our needs and desires...asking that He bring my friends and school to spiritual renewal! 2 Chronicles 7:14
Take-the initiative with bringing Christ's message to your school; with care by prayer. Do not fear, or allow others to miss out on life's greatest gift and adventure! Acts 1:8
Discussion Questions:
1. Where are you going in your life, what is your direction and source of inspiration?
2. Have you ever dreamed of living like your favorite TV or movie Star?
3. Read John 14: 1-7 concentrate on verses 5 & 6 How is this like a map?
4. Do you think you can receive satisfaction in material things, why or why not?
5. What is your most urgent need?
6. What do you count on?
7. Look up the two challenges your group has been assigned, what does God's Word say, how can you obey?
What would your life be like if you took this challenge seriously?
How to study smarter and better, and even with less time!
Think Big- Think Smart. Not small or with an "I can't' or "I have ta"' attitude. But have a will to do it (i.e. self-esteem- our identity is in Christ). Have confidence in yourself!
What is an Abstinence Contract? It is a promise that to save oneself sexually for your future marriage partner. Because, this is a command from God, it is His precept and pane, it is the best deal and you will be greatly rewarded by Him if you obey! If not, Play now and you will pay later or pay and pray now (by waiting ad trusting in God) and play later. It's your choice!
An example of making your own release form for youth group outings. It is also good to have this on file for any youth attending your program, so you can get in touch with them and parents especially in emergencies…