Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Mentoring our Youth

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Christian Youth need to seek out the great Commission, we can do this by training and facilitating programs of Discipleship.
Christian Youth need to seek out the great Commission, we can do this by training and facilitating programs of Discipleship. Older adults helping with younger adults, older more experienced couples with newer couples, such as: Older high school students helping with elementary and junior high; College and young adults helping with the high school students; and, Older adults helping in all age categories as primary care givers and disciplers. 

As for our Youth, I desire to have adults from the church who love the Lord and youth to be assigned 1 youth, for which they are responsible to care for. Such as phone and personal contact once a month, and informal get together's. And mainly one on one discipleship. Training and curriculum will be provided.  

a)                 Have a vision and a plan; 

b)                 Follow through with training and encouragement; 

c)                  Provide extra events and socials for multigenerational gatherings. 

This is a tough task, but it is very doable and effective for His Glory.   

a)                 Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Galatians 6:1-10, Mark 1:35 - 2:12.  These passages tell us discipleship and mentoring are not an option, but a command.  We must follow out of our obedience and mentor in a multigenerational lifestyle, caring for the total person.  It will move us from just prayer to prayer with care. 

b)                 John 1:36-52, Acts 10:10.  Maturity rose out of webs of relationships of older people interacting and discipling the younger. 

c)                  Acts 11-15 tell us leadership is about discipleship as Barnabas was with Paul.   

d)                 The Gospels tell us the model Jesus used were mentoring and small groups. 

e)                 John 15 tells us discipling and mentoring are a lifestyle of personal dedication by our obedience; that we see people being taught and equipped to live for Christ: physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, as well as spiritually. 


Copyright 08/10/99    Richard Joseph Krejcir          

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