For centuries, contemporary Christian music has been the subject of controversy. It's referred to as anything from mind control to the Devil's own music. From traditional chants, psalms, and hymns to the Christian rock, metal, and rap styles of today, forefront Christian music has and always will bring on some form of discord. Yet today, modern Christian music styles have proven popularity and positive effectiveness.
Visit their rooms: Check out bulletin boards. Look at books, magazines, CDs. Observe posters and pictures. Try to personally visit each youth once a year, and call them once a month (for large youth groups, for smaller ones double this....
Commitment to Personal Spiritual Maturity!
Every "student" counts!
Every "student" needs to be known, greeted, cared for -Love in action goes to their "world"
Faithful to my Lord's commands, I still would chose the better part; Serve with careful Martha's hands And loving Mary's heart...
Applying Christ back to Christmas
Christmas is a precious season, meant to be a reminder of Who and What our Lord has done. It has anticipation, wonder, excitement, family values and precious moments and memories, especially for children. Yet, it has become lost, hidden behind shallow traditions and the emptiness of wants and perceived needs. I am not referring to the secular commercialism of Christmas, but in our own churches and Christian families. We forgot what it is all about! We are missing the message in our expectations as wells as our hurries and struggles and passions. We become so hurried and stressed over putting together a Christmas party or gathering we miss what it is all about!
Youth Ministry is not comfortable! It's not easy! It is normal and okay to feel inadequate about your skills. Your confidence will grow the longer you do ministry and you will see how God can use us 'inadequate' people to do great things!
With only 2,550 full-time youth pastors and 23 million teenagers in this country, we cannot afford...
The greatest youth and church relations builder since potlucks and free pizza!
If you are a typical youth worker you are dealing with frustrations with upset and even angry church members, and unsupportive staff! "Why did the youth mess up the kitchen?" "Why did the youth make so much noise in the parking lot?" "Why don't the youth ever do anything for us in the church?" And so forth…
Do you need an event that builds positive relations with your church folks? Do you need to get in good graces with the Pastor and Elders? Do you need to have a fundraiser yet are tired of bake sales and dog washes? Do you desire to involve your youth...
The rules have changed. Everything you believe is suspect. The world is up for grabs. Or have they?
Welcome to the emerging postmodern culture. A free zone of rapid change that places high value on community, authenticity, even God-but has little interest in modern, Western-tinged Christianity.
The Role, Person, and Work of the Holy Spirit
The essential topic of who and what the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is, His power, impact, and role in the universe and in our lives, along with why we need to know this has been a hot and abused subject matter during the last several decades. The third Person of the Godhead, the Trinity, has been ignored by some and overly abused and misunderstood by most.