18 Way's to Get to Know Your Youth!
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Visit their rooms: Check out bulletin boards. Look at books, magazines, CDs. Observe posters and pictures. Try to personally visit each youth once a year, and call them once a month (for large youth groups, for smaller ones double this....
18 Way's to Get to Know Your Youth!
1. Visit their rooms: Check out bulletin boards. Look at books, magazines, CDs. Observe posters and pictures. Try to personally visit each youth once a year, and call them once a month (for large youth groups, for smaller ones double this).
2. Read a teen magazine: (YM, Teen People, Seventeen, Rolling Stone, Thrasher, etc. )
3. Go to their sports events, for more points go to their practices!
4. Read the school newspaper
5. Check out the high school yearbook (s)
6. Get a FBI background check (just kidding, but you can do this...)
7. Interview a baby-sitter
8. Talk to parents
9. Interview pets
10. Visit their school at lunch, and for major points bring pizza!
11. Interview school personnel (teachers, counselors, principal, janitor)
12. Ask them what music they like
13. Ask them what hobbies they like
14. Notice their clothing style
15. Hang out at the mall or local gathering place
16. Survey your kids (use written survey to find attitudes, feelings, etc.)
17. Have kids wear T-shirts on which their personal problems are printed.
18. Read "Youth Worker Update" from Youth Specialties for current trends and resources in youth today
Commitment to Personal Spiritual Maturity!
Every "student" counts!
Every "student" needs to be known, greeted, cared for -Love in action goes to their "world"
Faithful to my Lord's commands, I still would chose the better part; Serve with careful Martha's hands And loving Mary's heart...
Youth Ministry is not comfortable! It's not easy! It is normal and okay to feel inadequate about your skills. Your confidence will grow the longer you do ministry and you will see how God can use us 'inadequate' people to do great things!