Out of learning why churches fail, we also learned why they succeeded. The churches that were healthy, growing spiritually, and socially vibrant have significant aspects that set them apart from the failing churches. These factors are displayed in order of relevance and importance. Each one of these factors creates a harmony, contentment, and atmosphere for a churchgoer to come to church services and fellowship, and then to invite others.
Session 2: How to study the Bible
Session 37: Habakkuk and Zephaniah
Session 1: Beginning your walk through Scripture
The question before us is what the Christian life, true spirituality, really is,and how it may be lived in a twentieth-century setting.
Confession is the event of responding to the Gospel's message, then acknowledging our faith publicly. But, as a discipline, confession becomes a continual process where we conform our lives to His Way so our faith applies to our lives. This means we come to the grace, forgiveness, and authority of Christ; because of Him, we keep submitting by the application of His precepts to our lives that result in maturity and spiritual growth. This is a "grace" in that we receive the ability from Christ, and a "discipline" in that it requires the commitment
This is where you do an honest assessment of what is needed in your church, whether it is spiritual growth, programs, facility improvements, leadership training, discipleship, or teaching…
Commitment to Personal Spiritual Maturity!
Every "student" counts!
Every "student" needs to be known, greeted, cared for -Love in action goes to their "world"
It is our goal that you and your congregation is Equipped to be Discipled and Encouraged togrow and develop spiritually. Then help teach others these principles. We specialize in designing these resources to be used by pastors so they can in turn teach others these principles of discipleship.
Make no mistake. We as Bible-believing evangelical Christians are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly gentleman's discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. It is a conflict on the level of ideas between two fundamentally opposed views of truth and reality.