How to live on a shoestring budget for anyone.
How is you ministry going? Really? Have you ever thought and prayed about taking a self-assessment to see how you are doing so you can honestly find out if your daily activates, relationships, and teaching are lined up to Christ or to something else?
God calls us as pastors and church leaders to be a people who shepherd.
Being a Shepherd also means being God's commissioned leader; our Guide is Jesus the Holy One who gently leads us and guides His leaders to care for His flock, the Church. Consider that Jesus comes to us as the Good Shepherd, also a name for Jesus, to rescue His lost sheep. We have all gone astray and have given in to sin; He brings us back to His fold...
Preparing for our Pastoral Lives with the Right Mindset Part II
The key to building and leading a healthy church is to be a good and healthy pastor (and leader)! Yet, so few of us in ministry take this seriously or make this a priority! We tend to chase trends and our personal agendas and not pursue HIM!
How is your Ministry Going?
We are going to explore what are the key ingredients that make a good healthy Pastor. Thus, these articles are written to pastors, whose call is to shepherd their flock. However, these curriculums can also be used to hone anyone in Christian service and leadership. It is my prayer that we can carryout our pastoral and leadership lives with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry that pleases and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Pray More!
Do you feel vital for ministry? If not, what is in the way, or what are you not doing?
Burnout for pastors is perhaps on of the main reasons why we quit and leave ministry. But we can prevent this!
Do you think you need to set boundaries as a pastor?
How well do you Manage your personal life, is it with godly terms?
When I was with a church growth-consulting firm, we did a major study of pastors, and came up with some startling statistics...
It is our goal that you and your congregation is Equipped to be Discipled and Encouraged togrow and develop spiritually. Then help teach others these principles. We specialize in designing these resources to be used by pastors so they can in turn teach others these principles of discipleship.