Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Study Notes

Identified in and with Christ!
Life with Christ
Joy will allow us to enjoy my relationship with Christ
This article also serves as the introduction to our Bible Study series on, character!

Character is the springboard from which all we do and say in life comes. Developing Biblical character in the face of our daily life and even in adversity is essential and the proof text that we have a growing relationship with Christ! Character is not just having integrity or honesty or doing the right thing, it is not one aspect or even a few, it is a living, growing relationship in Christ which produces a synergistic combination of the fruits of the Spirit.
The Discipline of Fullness means we are filled with Christ and ruled by Christ. For a Christian, fullness is first seeking Christ and His work in us, so we are pursuing righteousness, and all that is good, as a way to glorify Christ as Lord. This means we are more Christ-aware and less self-aware. Fullness equals personally knowing for certain who we are in Christ, and what He did for us on the Cross-that our confidence comes from knowing who we are as complete in Him! As a result, we become more disciplined in His encompassing power and
Grace Alone

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