Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Study Notes

This article also serves as the introduction and Background Material to our Bible Study series in the Gospel of John. John brings to attention some of the most important essences of life, faith, and belief and the importance of love and effectual relationships. In addition, He presents His personal discourses to challenge people concerning their barriers of faith. John explores the importance of abiding in our Lord so we can grow and bear fruit to be better, more productive Christians and give glory to God. He also addresses the role, Person, and importance of the Holy Spirit. John provides the major phases of Jesus' ministry...
The Gospel According to Matthew!

Matthew is the Gospel for us to emulate in servant hood, and commitment to stay on God's path both in our personal lives and collectively as the Body of Christ. This is the pathway to give God the glory, as is our purpose and meaning in life. The Gospel shows our Lord's commitment to us through His being a suffering servant! Perhaps then we can be the Church trumpet that proclaims the cross and the blood while we exercise the heart of a true servant as we respond to the hurts and cries of those around us.
Jesus the Good Shepherd!
Love is not Proud!
Christ must become more in us!
Jesus Christ is The Word!
The Discipline of Fullness means we are filled with Christ and ruled by Christ. For a Christian, fullness is first seeking Christ and His work in us, so we are pursuing righteousness, and all that is good, as a way to glorify Christ as Lord. This means we are more Christ-aware and less self-aware. Fullness equals personally knowing for certain who we are in Christ, and what He did for us on the Cross-that our confidence comes from knowing who we are as complete in Him! As a result, we become more disciplined in His encompassing power and
Prayer is the intimate pursuit and practice of the personal communication we have available between God and us. It is the spoken and unspoken confession of our Christian faith by engaging and proclaiming our complete dependence upon Christ as Lord over our lives. Prayer is not just a selfish wish list to get God to cater to our needs and whims; rather, it's true purpose and the reason it is also a discipline is to shape us by what He has revealed, and to grow in faith, character, perseverance, and maturity. Prayer is meant to

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