Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


ITW Financial Challenge

By ITW Staff
We are in a bit of a bind and need some help.

We are in a bit of a bind and need some help.

Some concerned friends and board members urged me to share this with you…As you know, we do not ask for money, but now we feel we need to…So, I am not soliciting, rather sharing the situation we are in…

The good news is, our ministry, Into Thy Word and our affiliates are doing great! Even with our funding woes and many partners like Gospel Communications closing their doors, we are continuing. This is because of you, thank-you! We in fact had a fantastic ministry year. We held three fundraising banquets for our thirtieth, launched a new popular blog and a website that is becoming a significant force for the church the world over (, our overseas work is exploding, just to name a couple of things. I sit back and I am utterly amazed on what God is doing and the people that are connected with us. It is very humbling and yet daunting.

So this leaves us with a challenge

We recently merged with another ministry that has sprouted a debt that we were told was taken care of. Yet, we are responsible for this, where the results of that debt made remarkable ministry fruits. We have not had such trouble since 2001 when 9/11 crashed our pastor's conference (it was on Sept. 12-14, 2001). We are ending our fiscal year in debt! In addition, we have some equipment costs here and overseas that a donor provided at a reduced rate and another donor was going to cover the rest. Because of the economy, our times are tough, and due to circumstances beyond ours and their control, the debt service was not taken care of. So that leaves this all in our hands and in the trust we have in our God who has provided over the years.

Keep in mind that we are a small mission organization, we are not endowed or supported by deep pockets or affiliated with a big parent organization. We are faith based, supported by friends and supporters like you. We have a budget less than 100K a year and now we have a debt that we are responsible for that is $61,500. This is small potatoes for some, big fries for us (this is a small fraction that other ministries our size are dealing with). In addition, this greatly affects us on staff too. So please be in prayer! If you can help us raise this, please help us do so.

This is not bad debt; this was not due to bad decisions or reckless spending. It was good and continues to be so. The dilemma is, the people who were covering these obligations can't make that commitment. This also leaves us with another opportunity, others like you may be able to partner with us to step in and help.

Remember, God is in control, the fruits of these debts have been marvelous and way worth it beyond words. Now we have to pay the bill for it, and this is good stewardship, this is a good thing too that honors our Lord.

You can Donate Here

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Click here to Donate!

Or by snail mail

Into Thy Word

129 South Lotus Ave

Pasadena, Ca 91107

What else can help us?


In addition to financial woes, we have an opportunity. One of the investment properties we were doing is on hold because our backer, due to other financial commitments could not do it, and so we have an opening. (We are purchasing foreclosed homes using government money to help people buy these homes in one or two years. We get a monthly cash flow and when the home sells a significant profit that goes to our ministry. But, we do not have the 10% to 20% down that is needed top do this, so we are partnering with others to make this happen. We have four 4 so far, thank you partners, but the way they are structured, we will not see any cash flow for a few months). To do our next set, we need $15,000 as a down, this will give us over 30k+ in real equity and a monthly positive case flow of $400 to $500 that we need. This home may also gives us and $10,000 to $15,000 ROI beyond original investments. In a couple of years we will sell that home to the renter who is doing a lease option with us. This is helping that family too, who have a good job but can't buy a home due to stifled lending regulations. If you want to give that donation, let me know. If you want to lend us the monies with little to no interest we can have an offing for you to do that, (but the tax benefits are not as good, see your CPA).

More info on the investments:


What is this Funding Proposal?

Hold a Drawing?

One of our board members suggested we do a car raffle like we used to in the 70's and 80's. Then, we took a new VW Rabbit and sold tickets at $25 each with a limited number of 1,000 that net us $15K to $20K each year. Should we do this again? Maybe with a classic car instead? If so, we would need the car donated or moneys lent for purchase and people to help sell the tickets, 2,500…Should we do this?

As far as car washes and bake sales, they just do not have the return for the time invested. We did them with our early India trips and it was not worth it…


Any bit small or large is a vital contribution that we need that serves our Lord. Be in prayer, as we are not the only ministry facing such challenges in these days.

Thanks for your support!

Without you we cannot do this vital mission that impacts thousands of people each day around the world!

Please help us out…In so doing we can continue to help you…

Online at

Click here to Donate!

Or by snail mail

Into Thy Word

129 South Lotus Ave

Pasadena, Ca 91107

Yes, what are the debts? Fish farming equipment in a SC Asia country (this helps fund some of our overseas operations), the new website, books shipped overseas (all those books, 20,000+, we collected last year), the costs of our three banquets, a residue from a pastor's conference that was held over two years ago…These were going to be covered, but the promises made can't be fulfilled, but you may be able to or know someone who can.

In His Service

Dr. Richard Krejcir

Phil 1:6


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