Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

The Bible consists

ITW Radio Opportunity

By ITW Staff
We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!

Dear Friends and Supporters,

We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!

Dr. Krejcir, "With the Word" (name pending, any ideas?) radio show…

KKLA, 99.5 FM, America's largest Christian radio station, reaching all of Southern California by air and the rest of the world by Web, have invited Richard our Director to do a radio program! This will be a 3 minute devotional each day of week. It will run 5:15am, Monday through Friday, with an option to do a 20 minute Sunday morning show as well. We hope and pray this can be an inspirational blessing to all.

Can you imagine the opportunity to be in the homes of over 100,000 people who listen to that time slot with a potential to reach 20 million each day with the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ? In a world where most of the "on air" personalities do not teach the Word or give false doctrines (not the case with KKLA!), we have an opportunity to be used by Christ for His Kingdom. What a door God has opened for us. We need you to make this work!

This ministry opportunity will not be cheap, but KKLA has lowered its price, and wants to make this happen. So, we do not want to let this opportunity go by. Our board and national staff are very excited because through this opportunity, many more doors will be opened too.

The cost is, $100 per program, for 5 programs a week for a 13-week minimum commitment to start. Thus, we need to raise $6,500 to start.

Perhaps you can prayer and support this endeavor and even ask others too. Can you sponsor one show for $100, a week for $500, or a month for $2,000, or more, or perhaps you or you know someone who would underwrite it for a sponsorship to their business?

Our goal is to make this an ongoing ministry and we need to raise $26,000 per year (this is way below the normal price). This is almost the entire US budget for Into Thy Word, so we do not have the means to do this. But with yours and others partnership we do!

If you would like to help us with our potential radio ministry, you can mail a donation to:

Into Thy Word Ministries

129 South Lotus Avenue

Pasadena, Ca 91107


Or online at our totally new website at


You may contact me through email for more info

Please pray for this new ministry opportunity. We do not have the budget or the resources to make this happen. In fact, we are very much struggling now and need prayer and support more than ever, as the ministry giving is way down too, while our expenses and opportunities are up!

Yet, I know that the results will be marvelous and not only will our ministry grow and be a blessing to you and many others. We have the opportunity to nourish more souls through God's Word and help them come to a deeper and saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. All because of your partnership!

Thank-you for all who have supported and prayed for us!!! May God continue to Bless and keep you,

Serving the Lord through Into Thy Word Ministries


Num 6:24

Please pass this on to anyone who you may think would be interested…

Aug, 2007

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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
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