Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Because God Loves Me

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Yes, the greatest of all gifts is Gods perfect love!

Because God Loves Me: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Because God loves me,

He is slow to lose patience with me.  So shall we do the same with others?

Because God loves me,

He takes the circumstances of my life and uses them in a constructive way for my growth. So Shall we trust Him?

Because God loves me,

He does not treat me as an object to be possessed and manipulated. So do we manipulate others?

Because God loves me,

He has no need to impress me with how great and powerful He is because he is in control, nor does He belittle me as child in order to show me how important He is. So do we treat others with respect? 

Because God loves me,

He is for me. He wants to see me mature and develop in His love. So do we do this with each other? 

Because God loves me,

He does not send down His wrath on every little mistake I make, of which there are many. So do we with each other? 

Became God loves me,

He does not keep score of all my sins and then beat me over the head with them whenever He gets the chance. So do we with each other? 

Because God loves me,

He is deeply grieved when I do not walk in the ways that please Him, because He sees this as evidence that I don't trust Him and love Him as I should. So do we trust Him? 

Because God loves me,

He rejoices when I experience His power and strength and stand up under the pressures of life and persevere by His grace.

Because God loves me,

He keeps on working patiently with me, even when I feel like giving up, and when I can't see His love for me. Even when I can not see His plan, do I trust Him?. So do we give Him our trust? Do we give up on with each other?

Because God loves me,

He keeps on trusting me when at times I don=t even trust myself. So do we trust Him?

Because God loves me,

He never says there is no hope for me, rather He patiently works with me, loves me, and disciplines me in such a way that it is for my benefit. So do I understand the depth of His concern for me?

Because God loves me,

He never forsakes me, even though many of my friends might.

Because God loves me,

He stands with me when I have reached the rock bottom of despair, when I see the real me and compare that with His righteousness, holiness, beauty, and love. It is at a moment like this that I can really believe that God loves me.

Yes, the greatest of all gifts is Gods perfect love!!!


Inspired from "God SO Loved" by J. Vernon McGee

 1982 Richard Krejcir Into Thy Word

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