Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Seasonal Bible Studies

New Years
Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriad's of ages hence.

The Character of Purpose

Means knowing who we are in Christ.


Easter Bible Study

Jesus Suffering and Resurrection Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25

The Crucifixion of Jesus!

The Passion of Jesus! Jesus' Crucifixion From A Medical Point of View! He did this all for me; He took my place; He endured, as an innocent Person, what I deserved as a sinner!
The Resurrection is the heart of Christianity, the ultimate climax that has come for the Church and for the Christian! It gives us our eternal life, hope for the future, and effectual life for today. It encompasses all of our Lord's life and mission and the incredible undeserved miracle of our redemption! The history of humanity, our fallen state, the move of our Lord through time and history and our lives were interwoven to the finishing point. Jesus Christ lived on our behalf. He has died in our places to absorb God's wrath and pay our debt of sin; Easter, the Resurrection, tells how He rises back to life, conquering death, and giving us new life by His victory and the product of grace for a life of fulfillment and fullness!
July 4th Independence Day, Patriotism

Character of Patriotism

Is defined as the loyalty and honor of one's nationality.

The Character of Citizenship

Is our social conscientiousness in action.


Bible Study in Gratitude: Luke 17: 11-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Gratitude is an attitude of being thankful for what He has done for me! When we fully recognize that our greatest problem has been solved, our indebtedness of sin, we can feel and know gratitude and thus honor God, by leading a life of response to Who and what He has done!

When you cut into your turkey this Thanksgiving, is it the prayer of thanks that is motivating you, or the greed of the feast?


Trick or Treat?

The old devil has many Tricks. But, has he pulled a trick on you? The Lord God has many Treats. This makes a great Halloween Tract...


The Meaning of Advent, "Advent" simply means coming as in Christ is coming, and for us now He has arrived. This is referring to His birth in history and in humanity.

The incarnation simply means God came to be a man. He was fully man while remaining fully God. That way He could identify with our plight in life. As He lived a normal human existence for over 30 years, He experienced all that we experienced, including all the emotions, relationships, and temptations.

Applying Christ back to Christmas!
Christmas is a precious season, meant to be a reminder of Who and What our Lord has done. It has anticipation, wonder, excitement, family values and precious moments and memories, especially for children. Yet, it has become lost, hidden behind shallow traditions and the emptiness of wants and perceived needs.

Twas The Night Before Jesus Came

The Christmas Story

Living the Christmas Spirit All Year Long

When someone says the word "Christmas," what comes to your mind? Christmas Themes from Philippians
Are you so caught up in the events and planning of Christmas that you have forgotten the "Christ" and the "mass," which means we are to worship and venerate Him? Most of us do forget, perhaps not intentionally, because of all our busyness and neglect.
Christmas Bible Study Themes

Matthew 1:1-17    The King has Come!

Matthew 1: 18-25 Immanuel God is with Us

Matthew 2:1-12    The Real Living Nativity

For more holiday or special day ideas, we have over 600 Bible Studies online and I bet it is covered. So use our search...

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