Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Overview of the Bible

A Walk through Scripture

God call us to know Him and we do this by knowing His Word!

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8

Combat Biblical illiteracy, learn and teach your congregation what is in the Bible!  
Welcome to a new Bible Study, "An Overview of the Bible." This will be a walk through the basics of Scripture. A two year study through the Bible, year 1, the Old Testament, year 2 New Testament, a basic overview of each book and its main themes.

Why? The average Christian does not know the Word of God. They are new to the faith and or get their information from sloppy pastors, false teachers, presumptions, TV, and feelings but not directly from God's True truth, a problem with Christianity in America in general.


Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17


Purpose: It is the endeavor of this study to do a cursory walk through the main streams of God's Word the Bible. Gain a deeper understanding of the themes, main thoughts, calls, commands and applications to know Christ and live for His glory. It will follow an inductive format with notes and outlines too.

The Bible seems too foreboding and overwhelming for many. People get flustered, discouraged and thus rarely venture into the great story ever told with the greatest meaning we could ever possibly gain. Thus, the Word sits empty of use and void of interaction for us the people it is meant to impact and equip. Thus, after over thirty years of delving into it, teaching it to countless people all over the world, I have honed a simple studies series that we can go through the Bible from Genesis through Revelation and see what are the main themes, promises, precepts and applications we can make.

We will follow and inductive study format as I present this to you. That is I come to the Text and to you without any theological agenda or proof to claim. Just open up the Bible and let's examine what is being said. I will do my best to shed some light on what did that mean to the original hearers and readers of the Bible. Sometimes over two thousand years removed by language and culture we may not understand something or assume that the Bible is not saying at all and thus miss God's amazing and wondrous treasures.


 We have the incredible privilege to here and know God personally through His Word!
The Bible is our principle platform for our encounters with the Almighty Who has something precious to say to us, and we must hear it excitedly! We are to get into God's Word because it is the framework of the Living God. His principles, calls, and plans for us to know, grow, prosper in our lives and churches are in its pages. We must do our best to immerse ourselves to meet Him, to know Him, to internalize His precepts and live them out for His glory and our mutual benefit. Therefore, we must listen, learn, and do ...
The call to be Transformed
Nehemiah 8; John 3:30; Romans 12:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:22-25
We meet with God for the expressed reason to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is an act of worship for us to think right without distractions or personal agendas; look upon God as our Loving Lord Master as well as Motivator. Then we will be able to grow through the ordeals of life, the ups and downs focusing on how can I be approve to focus on what God's will is, to know Him, place Him first and foremost as His prime pleasing and perfect will. As to be ...


Biblical curriculums to help us in knowing and applying the Word of God, the Bible into our lives!

How and Why we Study the Bible

Impressions from God's Word 1

Session 1: Beginning your walk through Scripture 
Session 2: How to study the Bible 
Session 3: The Power of Transformation from His Word 
Session 4: Introduction to the Bible 

Old Testament


Impressions from God's Word 5

Session 5: God the Creator! 
Session 7: Experience the Rainbow!
Session 8: Abraham and the Promise!
Session 9: Abraham and Faith! 
Session 10: The Patriarchs
Session 11: Joseph
Session 12: Moses   

Session 13: The Exodus 

Session 14: The Ten Commandments 
Session 15: The Law   
Session 16: The Tabernacle
Session 17: Sacrifice
Session 18: Priests and Feast Days
Session 19: Joshua
Session 20: The Judges
Impressions from God's Word 21
Session 21: Ruth
Session 22: The Making of Kings
Session 23: David
Session 24: Solomon
Session 25: The Divided Kingdom
Session 26: Many Kings Fail to Heed God
Session 28: Isaiah
Session 30: The Exile 
Session 31: Ezekiel 
Session 32: Daniel
Session 33: Ezra and Nehemiah
Session 34: Esther
Session 35: Hosea, Joel, Amos, and Obadiah
Session 36: Jonah, Micah, and Nahum
Session 37: Habakkuk and Zephaniah
Session 38: Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
Session 39: Psalms
Session 40: Proverbs 
Session 41: Ecclesiastes
Session 42: The Song of Solomon
Session 43: Job

New Testament


The Gospels 

Impressions from God's Word 44


Impressions from God's Word 45

The Promised Christ is Born

Impressions from God's Word 46


John the Baptist

Impressions from God's Word 47

The Baptism

Impressions from God's Word 48

Follow Me

Impressions from God's Word 49
Impressions from God's Word 50
Impressions from God's Word 51
Impressions from God's Word 52
Impressions from God's Word 53
Impressions from God's Word 54
Impressions from God's Word 55
Impressions from God's Word 56
Impressions from God's Word 57
Impressions from God's Word 58
Impressions from God's Word 59
Impressions from God's Word 60
Impressions from God's Word 61
Impressions from God's Word 62
Impressions from God's Word 63
Impressions from God's Word 64
Impressions from God's Word 65
Impressions from God's Word 66
Impressions from God's Word 67
Impressions from God's Word 68
Impressions from God's Word 69
Impressions from God's Word 70
Impressions from God's Word 71
Impressions from God's Word 72
Impressions from God's Word 73
Impressions from God's Word 74
Impressions from God's Word 75
Impressions from God's Word 76
Impressions from God's Word 77
Impressions from God's Word 78
Impressions from God's Word 79
Impressions from God's Word 80


Get Adobe Reader  Bible Study PDF Files





Impressions from God's Word 1  Beginning your walk through Scripture

Impressions from God's Word 2   How to study the Bible  

Impressions3.pdf    The Power of Transformation from His Word

Impressions4.pdf   Introduction to the Bible


Impressions5.pdf   God the Creator!

Impressions6.pdf   The Fall!


Impressions8.pdf  Abraham 

Impressions9.pdf  Abraham and Faith

Impressions10.pdf  The Patriarchs

Impressions11.pdf  Joseph


Impressions12.pdf Moses!

Impressions13.pdf Exodus!

Impressions14.pdf The Ten Commandments

Impressions15.doc  The Law! 

Why the Bible bans those foods and has weird laws?

Impressions16.pdf  The Tabernacle

Impressions17.pdf  Sacrifice!

Impressions18.pdf  Priests and Feast Days, why do we worship the way we do?

Impressions19.pdf Joshua

Impressions20.pdf Judges


Impressions21.pdf The Making of Kings

Impressions22.pdf Ruth

Impressions23.pdf David

Impressions24.pdf Soloman

Impressions25.pdf The Divided Kingdom (Rehoboam) 

Impressions26.pdf Many Kings Fail to Heed God

Impressions27.pdf Elijah and Elisha 

Impressions28.pdf  Isaiah


Impressions30.pdf  The Exile 

Impressions31.pdf Ezekiel

Impressions32.pdf Daniel

Impressions33.pdf Ezra and Nehemiah


Impressions34.pdf Esther

Impressions35.pdf Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah


Impressions35.pdf   Obadiah

Impressions36.pdf  Micah

Impressions37.pdf  Zephaniah

Impressions38.pdf  Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi


Impressions39.pdf Psalms

Impressions40.pdf  Proverbs


Impressions41.pdf  Ecclesiastes

Impressions42.pdf  The Song of Solomon

Impressions43.pdf Job


The New Testament


Impressions44.pdf  The Gospels

Impressions45.pdf The Word Became Flesh read

Impressions46.pdf The Promised Christ is Born


Impressions47.pdf   John the Baptist

Impressions48.pdf  The Baptism

Impressions49.pdf  Follow Me


Impressions50.pdf  The Beatitudes!   

Impressions51.pdf Signs and Wonders

Impressions52.pdf Living Water, Jesus Fulfills the Law


Impressions53.pdf  Who is Jesus PI

Impressions54.pdf  Who is Jesus?  PII

Impressions55.pdf  Jesus, The Good Shepherd


Impressions56.pdf  Dwelling in Christ

Impressions57.pdf  The Parables of Jesus

Impressions58.pdf Jesus the Teacher


Impressions59.pdf Born Again & New Life

Impressions60.pdf  Jesus came to Serve  

Impressions61.pdf  Transfiguration


Impressions62.pdf Confession

Impressions63.pdf Betrayal

Impressions64.pdf  The Cross


Impressions65.pdf The Resurrection

Impressions66.pdf Christ, a Sacrifice for All

Impressions67.pdf Pentecost 


Impressions68.pdf Paul

Impressions69.pdf  Romans

Impressions70.pdf  Corinthians

Impressions71.pdf  Prison Epistles


Impressions72.pdf  Pastoral Epistles

Impressions73.pdf  Hebrews 

Impressions74.pdf  General Epistles

Impressions75.pdf   Book of James


Impressions76.pdf Revelation Part I

Impressions77.pdf Revelation Part II


Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. Psalm 119:18.

Join us on our journey on a Walk through Scripture

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