Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Study Methods

... To Know His Word! 

      All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

      These curriculums are designed for any Christian, church leader or pastor to get to know and teach the Bible better.                     


Approaches to Studying Scripture

Here are some definitions of the various ways we can read and know God's Word, the Bible. Some of these methods of Bible Study are very biblical, beneficial, and good while others are harmful and lead to false teaching.


The simple solution to know the Bible better, is to take some time each day and read the Bible. See our "Bible Reading Plans" channel for helps with this.  Bible Reading Plans


How to read and enjoy the Bible

What can we do to read the Bible and actually enjoy it? This can be very hard for many of us. Yet, the Bible is the most widely printed and read book in the world. Did you know that the Bible is quoted more often than any other piece of literature in history and has had more influence on our language, culture and laws than any other book or idea ever published? Yet, most people seldom, if at all will ever, actually read the Bible, including Christians! Why? 


About all those Different Bible Versions, and Translations

What about all those different Bible Translations, how do I know what ones are accurate and best for me? Which one is for what? We will go over each major translation, and give you a chart to show you the contrasts. Remember the Bible was written in Hebrew for most of the Old Testament and in Greek for the New Testament. There are always many ways to translate a different language.


The Problem of Reading 'Into' the Bible

Do you read from the Bible or read into the Bible? Do you know the difference? What does Biblical interpretation mean to you? What should it mean and how should you delve into and teach the most Holy Precepts of our LORD? By your will or His? We have a major problem in our churches; people, even pastors go to the Bible and just collect from it what they feel and want, forcing it so that they miss receiving what they need and what God has for all of us. Thus, people are not experiencing the true wonders and Truth and riches of God's principles...


Why did Jesus Teach in Parables?

Jesus conceals truth for us, not 'from' us! There are two main conceptions on what and why Jesus uses parables in edifying and instructing us. One, He uses simple everyday illustrations, allegories, stories, and word pictures that He pointed to, showcasing an illustration that people could understand and relate to. Second, in the illustration dwells a layered meaning-like an onion, if you will--that has a depth to it. His main reason? People, for the most part, are 'concrete' thinkers. We tend to look for the simplest, easiest meaning to mentally digest solution and rarely seek a deeper meaning or application. However, to grow in faith, we need to grow beyond ourselves, our perception, and our assumptions in order to grasp the true Truths Christ has for us. Thus, for us to grow in faith...


The Main Goal of Bible Study

Unfortunately, a lot of Christians think that all they have to do is read the Bible, and do what it says, and there is nothing to interpret. Or, they will react against the educated "professional" Christian who is a teacher, scholar, or pastor.


Click on these links to go to our pages filled with solid biblical tools to give you insights into God's Word!


Bible Literacy  Bible Reading Plans   Bible Studies 

Inductive Bible Study   Exegetical Bible Study  

Bible Study Methods   God, the Bible and You

How to Study the Bible     How To Lead Bible Studies

Why Study The Bible?  Bible Study Aids 

Bible Study Forums


How to Prepare Yourself to Study the Bible  

Are you Transformed by the Word?

We can master the entire Bible and even be totally transformed by the Word; but, if nothing comes from it, it is meaningless and nearly worthless. This is one of the main points of the book of James. Our faith must have a response to it. Yes, we may be saved, but what good is it if we do nothing with it?


Getting away from Distractions!
There are many ways we can study the Bible effectively. There is no "best" way, only that we do it! Many Christians feel all they have to do for Bible lessons is sit in a pew, turn on the television or radio, or naturally receive their knowledge for being a Christian; but, this is not how to transform our lives. We must read and get into the Word of God, ourselves, through prayer, hard work, discipline, concentration, application, and even more prayer!

ATTITUDE is the Prelude to Effective LIFE!

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. As the Elect, saved by grace, it is still up to us what we make out of what Christ gives us. Maturity will make the difference of having a life of distinction and purpose or a life governed by strife and chaos. So what is your response? What is your attitude? Where does your maturity lie?


Here is how you can easily memorize Bible passages
How to Memorize Scripture - Part I
Nothing in our Christian lives is as important or compares to the value of learning God's Word and then incorporating His precepts into our lives. Thus, memorizing a passage of Scripture is an essential way not only to know His Word, but to know and grow in our Lord and Savior. Yet, many Christians have neglected, even negated this discipline, including me on occasions.

How to Memorize Scripture - Part II

There are Tools, Steps, and Tips to help you memorize scripture. Start with the proper approach-that of prayer and reverence before our Holy God. Have an honest desire to know Him more fully and a good attitude based on growing in Christ rather than seeking just what you want.

More Insightful Bible Study Methods


The Lectio Divina?

This is an incredible, edifying way to know our LORD and His Word more!

Simply put, the Lectio Divina means to be praying in and with the Scriptures for understanding, worship, and intimacy in God's presence to benefit our faith, character, and spiritual growth. Thus, reading as a practice and a discipline means that as we read the Bible, we can and should be praying to our Lord, too. This combines two essential aspects of our Christian walk...                                        


Methods of Bible Study

First of all, make up your mind that you will put some time every day into the study of the Word of God. That is an easy resolution to make, and not a very difficult one to keep, if the one who makes it is in earnest. It is one of the most fruitful resolutions that any Christian ever made.


Profitable Bible Study

There are many profitable methods of Bible Study. There is something, however, in Bible study more important than the best methods, that is, the fundamental conditions of profitable study.


Rightly Interpreting the Bible
The word "method" comes from the Greek word methodos, which literally means "a way or path of transit." Methodology in Bible study is therefore concerned with "the proper path to be taken in order to arrive at Scriptural truth."
L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God 

Principles of biblical interpretation ought to be determined before developing one's theology, but in practice, the reverse is often true. Cultists, in particular, consistently read their deviant theologies into the biblical text instead of allowing the text to speak for itself. Faith teachers are also guilty of this practice, as I document in my book "Christianity in Crisis."


How to Read the Bible

A sermon delivered in 1879, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, and first published in Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Vol. 25, #1503.


Bible Resources You Need to Know About

The Tools and Resources you need to Know About!

These are the research book resources to help you to understand the text of the Bible, its meanings, and historical circumstances, so you can get more out of your studies. 


What is the Into Thy Word Method?

It is a simple "how to" guide helping you dig into God's Word, the Bible. Into Thy Word is geared toward challenging you to learn how to better study the Bible! We seek to teach people to use logic, induction, reasoning, and good inductive and deductive principles by examining the particulars, facts, and essence of a text first before making any conclusions. Thus, to lead a mature, meaningful, fruitful, character driven life for Christ's glory!


Order the book, Into Thy Word with a 15-week curriculum!

This book is about helping you understand the Bible and enabling you to teach others how to study the Bible in a simple, clear, and concise way. We have included in our Book a 15-week curriculum specifically designed for High School Youth.


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For more in-depth Bible Study Insights see our "Inductive Bible Study" and "Exegetical Bible Study" Channels.


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