Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Discipleship Tools

What does it mean to be a mature Christian?

God does not ask us to seek converts; He simply asks us to disciple. Discipleship is the modeling and teaching to Christians the precepts of the Bible-mainly prayer, doctrine, and Christian living. All will lead to the main thing-the reason for our being, the meaning of life-worship. It is not the services on Sunday; it is having an attitude and a heart that worship Christ! Yes, we are still to evangelize, but that is not our main mission and call! When we evangelize, we must realize that it is the role of the Holy Spirit to bring people into an intimate relationship with God. This is an act of divine intervention and grace. He uses us as the tools, but He is the means! We are to care, and share with others His love and character. We are to obey and reach out, but we cannot lead people anywhere. He is the One who leads! Our goal is to worship and model to others our worship-not just the service in the church, but the lifestyle of a heart surrendered and poured out to His (Gal. 2:20-21; Phil. 3:10).

What are you willing to do about it? 
The essentials in Developing your Walk with God!

Learning to Focus on Christ

How do you know if Christ is your focus? Look at your life. Do you confess God with your lips yet deny Him in your daily life? It is easy to belong to a church or recite a creed, but difficult to live the Christian life. Yet, He gives us the love, grace, and means to do so. How do you define faith? Remember, faith without action is a contradiction, and love without obedience is impossible.
Do you listen to God? Most would emphatically say yes or at least think they do, pay attention to God. Or do we just listen to ourselves or snoop out the faulty trends? Consider these questions, why do you study the Bible? Why do you pray? Why and how do you worship? Is it a two-way communication? Or is it just you dictating to God? Now, consider one of the essential inductive questions that help us know and grow in the Word: what is in the way of my listening to God?
What is Your Legacy? You can be the example of faith and stewardship of what we have, which always comes from somewhere we did not make or refine. God is the Great Maker and Refiner; we give to Him and we become His representative as a show of gratitude and devotion. We can show character in adversity and in power that resounds through time and history long after we are gone.
A disciple is willing to grow in Christ; are you!?
Asking me to write about Fasting is like asking a dog to walk on two legs. The dog can do it, but he cannot do it very long nor can he do it very well. I am a person who does not like to skip a meal, who thinks a good buffet is a good way to worship God because He bestows us with blessings. At the same time, I value the importance of Fasting. Having practiced Fasting off and on for many years-sometimes even dreading to start it and thankful when it was over-I learned a few things I wish to impart to you...
To know the Word and to live by it, you will need to take daily time to read the Bible. To develop a habit of Bible reading, it is best to have a consistent time and place.
If we are receivership oriented and not Christ centered, then all of those circumstances will be squeezed, and bitterness and resentment will flow out of them. When we are Christ centered, oils of sweetness will pour out. What pours out from you?



Yes, the greatest of all gifts is Gods perfect love!


Do people treat you unfairly? Have you ever wondered why? Well, we live in a fallen world, and we are all filled with sin. Sin affects our relationships-the way you treat people and the way they treat you. Yet, even in sin we have the choice to make a difference. So, are you?

What gets in the way of God in your life?

The developmental process of discipleship and our barriers in growing in Christ:

What blocks us from encountering Jesus Christ? Part I: What God Desires and the causes and motivations that block our spiritual growth. Why do some people grow in their faith and maturity while others go about it very slowly or not at all?

Barriers to Growing in Christ

What blocks us from encountering Jesus Christ? Part II: What Blocks us from increasing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?

Barriers to Following Christ

What blocks us from encountering Jesus Christ? Part III: Have you ever wondered what blocks us from increasing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?

Barriers to Discipleship Chart

Why do some people grow in their faith and maturity while others not at all? Look over the "chart." Where are you in this chart? Where do you need to be?

The Perils of the Judgmental Attitude

Remember, we do not deserve His love and grace, yet it is given to us anyway. Hypocrisy and judgmental attitudes cause some of the biggest problems in the Church, and spill over to others outside her walls whose concept of a Church is what they observe. These attitudes also cause severe danger to the growth and comfort of the Church. Comfort is in a place to call home, to feel safe, and be willing to be taught and led, and to serve. This is one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, that keeps people away! Effective spiritual growth, maturity, and outreach cannot happen when...

1. I'm OK because I am a good person. 2. I'm too big a sinner to be a Christian 3. Not now! I'm just not ready yet. 4. There is too much to give up.

Recognizing Sin

What are the actions that we think we can hide from God?

Put-Ons and Put-Offs

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.

Christian Apathy?

Apathy, in my opinion as a pastor and researcher, is becoming more and more rampant in the American church. At the same time, fewer and fewer people are discussing or admitting that this is a real problem. So, is apathy really a problem? Consider that Christians, as a whole, do not participate in regular Bible studies or small groups. They do not have mentors or people in their lives to encourage and spur them on. Fewer and fewer Christians are...
Some passages to consider on discipleship: Proverbs 18:24; Matthew 7:18-24; 19:28-30; 10:1-42; 28:16-20; Mark 1:1-5; Luke 9:23-25; 48; Luke 14:26-27; John. 8:31; 12:20-26; John 14; 15; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 3:5-11; 12; 2 Timothy 2:7; 1 Peter 3:15; 1 John:5:3

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We are committed to providing high quality discipleship materials for you and your church's Christian spiritual formation.

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