We are here to help you know and better use the Bible!
Welcome to 'Into Thy Word Ministries.' Our Purpose is to point to the Supremacy and Centrality of Christ, and with your partnership we can expand God's Kingdom by becoming and developing wholeheartedly, fully-engaged followers of Jesus Christ. If you want to help support us in these endeavors and our pastoral training overseas, then please let us know. Please remember us in prayer!
Monthly Bible Study Article
Keep this in mind: the more you expose yourself to His Word, the more He will expose His Word to you! And, this can be done in less time than it takes to watch a half hour TV show! You will have far more knowledge of His Word and be more active and involved in our Lord. What will you do?
What stops you from knowing and growing as a Christian? 
Bible Study in Gratitude: Luke 17: 11-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Gratitude is an attitude of being thankful for what He has done for me! When we fully recognize that our greatest problem has been solved, our indebtedness of sin, we can feel and know gratitude and thus honor God, by leading a life of response to Who and what He has done!
Weekly Bible Study
Applying the Word of God, the Bible into our lives!
Session 43: Job (last Bible study of the OT)
The New Testament
Session 44: The Gospels


The simple solution to know the Bible better, is to take some time each day and read the Bible. See our "Bible Reading  Plans for helps on this. 

Bottom of page - printable pdf & Word docs!
We have a wondrous new tool to help you in your Bible reading efforts!
A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
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We are a ministry making a difference for the Kingdom of God, and...
A great way to raise funds for our ministry and you can make money too!
It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
New Funding Project! RealEstateProject.pdf
ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
Bible Study Methods
The Bible is not one book it is a ibrary of sixty-six books that were written over a period of more than a 1,500 years by many different authors. These authors were inspired in their thinking and writing by the Holy Spirit Thus the Bible is the inspired Word of God without error. It also has the human touch from its authors. Paul is different than David, who is different than James or Moses. So there style and personality comes out to us. These create the marvelous depth and wonder of Scripture and of how God chooses to use us when...
Bible Studies
Seeking God's Guidance!
Out of learning why churches fail, we also learned why they succeeded. The churches that were healthy, growing spiritually, and socially vibrant have significant aspects that set them apart from the failing churches. These factors are displayed in order of relevance and importance. Each one of these factors creates a harmony, contentment, and atmosphere for a churchgoer to come to church services and fellowship, and then to invite others.
Discipleship Resources
If you are not a believer in the Christian faith, we invite you to discuss with us your beliefs and reasons for not accepting the Christian world view. We believe that historical Christianity is a reasonable faith. The Christian should be able to give an answer for why he believes as he does.
Church Leadership
Keep the Biblical principals in mind and never replace what we think we need over what He calls us to do! This step clarifies the steps taken to this point, and suggests strategies on how they can be implemented. Pastors and Elders can do this once a year to make sure you are still on the right track.
Scripture of the Day
Featured Content
Flagship Resources
We are here to help equip and encourage you to grow deeper in your walk with Christ and impact others around you!
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